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Welcome to Unicoritiba

The Online Learning environment of Coritiba Foot Ball Club.

Coritiba Foot Ball Club invests in innovation and technology and not only that, it provides its employees and partners with a complete online education ecosystem.


From basic to professional categories

Our goal is to deliver the best football and education content from leading experts in their field.

  • Professional
  • Base Categories
  • futsal
  • Between others
View all courses for athletes

Courses to improve the skills of the administrative team.

We know that football is not just on the pitch. Univasco will help you build a solid training program, train and monitor the professional and personal development of employees.

  • Management
  • Operation
  • Communication and Marketing
  • Personal development
View all management courses

Perfecting Technique and Tactics

We offer courses for coaches, instructors, technical staff. A wide range of courses and topics will help you improve your knowledge, keep up to date on the latest trends in sports team management.

  • Sports Training
  • health and nutrition
  • PE
  • Technical and Tactical Team
See all courses for technical staff

External Training

Courses that help external partners adapt more easily to club policies and operations.

  • Journalists
  • sectorists
  • Providers
View all courses for collaborators

Trails and Courses

Guest Team

Nadja Mauad - Repórter RPC

Nadja Mauad

Repórter RPC
Levir Culpi - Ex-Treinador

Levir Culpi

Jaqueline Baumel - Jornalista

Jaqueline Baumel

Fernando campos - Analista ESPN

Fernando Campo

Analista ESPN

"In terms of standardizing employee knowledge, customizable tracks will bring us countless opportunities."

Bruna Breda

Sporting Academy Coordinator
“The course is wonderful. The content was well explained and didactic, I just loved it.”

Oberdan Araújo

Coritiba-FC Goalkeeper Trainer
"For grassroots athletes, in addition to complementing high school, we will add language and sports law tracks, making the under-20s ready for the world."

Giuliano di Pompeu

Administrative manager